1.44mb Floppy Workspace
33 Windows GUI Programs

This is my version of a 1.44mb floppy disk (image) with as many small, functional and useful Windows GUI programs that I could fit into 1.44mb.

There are 33 programs in a 1.44mb HD 3.5" floppy image (IMA format).

With the exception of the unzip program and a text file that lists the contents of the image, all other programs are contained in a zip file in the IMA.

To use in a virtual machine:
  * Mount the IMA file as floppy drive A:
  * Run the unzip program 100K_zipper from A:
  * Open the zip file in the IMA that contains the other 32 programs
  * Create a working directory on C: and then extract the other 20 programs in the zip into it
  * Also copy the unzip program to the working directory on C:

To use in a physical machine:
   * Pretty much the same as above, except first write the IMA to a 720kb floppy and mount the floppy

Много веселья !  

33 small windows GUI programs for your enjoyment.

I've tested all of these programs on an XP VM and they all work fine. Some may work with w9x through to Windows 10, but that's for you to test out.

The only programs with a dependency are the two KaKeeware web browsers that need either IE with ActiveX or a Mozilla browser with ActiveX installed on the host machine.

If you don't want to futz around with mounting an image file, I've also included for download a separate zip file with all 33 programs so that all you have to do is unzip the contents of that to a USB drive and then drag and drop the 33 programs from the USB drive onto your P3 Windows XP white box PC.

The 33 programs in the floppy image are:



There are 4 files available to download:                ( Click on a file name to download that file )

1. A 1.44mb floppy image file (IMA format) with the 33 programs listed above.
        Shotter_Nails_1.44mb_Floppy_Workspace - 33_Apps.IMA

2. A zip file (slightly less than 1.44mb) with the 33 programs listed above.
        Shotter_Nails_1.44mb_Floppy_Workspace - 33_Apps.zip

3. A PDF document with the listing of all files and a brief comment on each one.
1.44mb_Floppy_Workspace - 33_Apps.pdf

4. A PDF document with a screenshot of each program running on XP in Vbox.

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Screenshots:        (Use your browser's right click function "Open Image In New Tab" to see larger images)










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Updated  03 October 2023  
© Shotter_Nail