RUSHGraphical User Interface for MS-DOS |
This is RUSH GUI for DOS, v1.4 from 1999. Another GUI that takes a windows based approach rather than a text based approach. The developer(s) must have liked compact MACs as it's a reasonable imitation thereof. It's a very clean looking GUI, and offers the basics plus quite a bit more. It's easy to add a program group and program shortcuts and then run DOS programs using the "Proobs" dialog - which is a nice feature. Basic programs included are File Eplorer, CD, Midi, Wav and Fli players, Image viewer, Paint, Text viewer, Clock. Also has a modem chat feature, floppy format app and a benchmark app. The Setup function covers display, keyboard, mouse, volume and system (although system is just system info). I think the best feature is easily being able to add (and run) DOS program shortcuts and groups using the "Proobs" window. It ran DOS programs just fine for me and nothing crashed and burned. All up, an excellent little GUI with some very nice features. The GUI loads automatically on startup. If you want to start it again, cd to C:\RUSH and enter "RUSH". As well as the VHD I've also uploaded a zip with the install files. The VHD was created using VirtualBox 6.1.26. < Click here to download the VHD > < Click here to download the install files as a .zip > |
Screenshots: (Use your browser's right click function "Open Image In New Tab" to see larger images) |
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